Think About YOU, Too...

After we found out about this whole thing, a dear friend posted something on her Facebook page that truly hit home with me and I want to share with you all here...

I forget her exact wording, but the gist of it is this:

Please do not ignore the fact that this tumor was caught during a routine Pap Smear appointment. And for me, it's not just a yearly exam, but a 6 month exam... That's right! I was at the lady doctor just this spring, and my pap results were NORMAL. Fast forward to last Tuesday, and the doctor could actually SEE my tumor.

So what am I trying to say here? Ladies... DO NOT put off your annual exam. It's annoying. It's uncomfortable. It's a pain in the ass (or nearby areas...). But it's maybe 20 minutes out of your day. And I am now an avid believer in the fact that it can absolutely save your life.

And when you go for that test - make sure you tell that doctor not to be gentle. Scrape hard. Get a good sample. Go to a real gynecologist if you can. Planned Parenthood is not my favorite option, but if you don't have insurance or are on a limited income, they are a better choice than doing nothing. Seriously. Please. DO NOT do nothing.

For years I blew off my annual exam because I didn't have the money. Well, whatever $100 is a lot cheaper than the scan I had on Friday that cost more than $10K!!! Money is not an excuse. And three years ago I finally got back on track with my exams, and look how lucky I am that they caught what they did now.

Please. My girls. Take care of yourselves. If you have not had an exam in the last year, make an appointment. Think of it as the best possible way you can support me right now.

Thanks! Love love, Phoebe


jim nelson said…
You, my dear, are amazing. Thank you for advising other women to get their annual exams! You have true don't think less of yourself-you think of yourself less! Every day that passes, I love you more and more! Miss you, love you....daddy jim
Michael said…
I have known your dad for 20 years and I love him. Then I read what your mother and written the other day, and I love her too. now I have read what you and your husband have written and at the risk of being too bold, I love you guys as well. Attitude and perspective are the 2 most powerful weapons needed to face any battle. You are well armed with both and your backups are equally well armed.
Thank you for including us in your journey. I feel honored and privileged to be an observer.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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