Nearly every morning, weather permitting, between like 5am and 7am, someone walks past our house loudly singing in a strange operatic sort of way. This has been going no for some time now. Strangely, however, it was not until this evening that I actually, I dunno, PROCESSED this. And how utterly bizarre it is. And how utterly bizarre it is that I have just sort of accepted it up to now - never letting it pique my curiosity enough to even step out of bed and lean the foot and a half over to the window to peer out the blinds and see WHAT THE HELL is going on there! I mean, that's weird, right?
I brought this up to Ryan a moment ago. I had to ask - does this actually happen, or have I been hallucinating/dreaming this for the past couple months? But his reply: "Yeah. That happens." leads me to believe that I have either just become so accepting of things making no sense in my life or my post-chemo brain is still so foggy that it just never registered.
Either way, it is weird. And now that I am feeling more conscious of this weirdness, you can bet your ass I will be leaping toward those blinds the next time I hear this... Hell! I may well climb out onto the porch roof to see it if I have to!
And in unrelated weirdness news - my left eye has been twitching off and on (more on than off, unfortunately) for the better part of 3 weeks, now. At first it was just like "so this is happening"... but now it's actually making me a little bananas. And with the recent onset of the more noticeable neuropathy symptoms, I have to wonder if Mister Twitchy Eye is in some way related to my post-treatment side effect business. I think I will call the doctor's office on Monday. It's seriously getting on my nerves. No pun intended.
And on that note, goodnight!
Xxo, Phoebe
AND we also have a crazy opera dude who walks by singing. The other day we also had random banjo playing girl walk by.