Cafe Press Store is Open!

Back in January, my tattooed dad's friend, Jim, created a design for me to make into an "I Beat Cancer" t-shirt.  (Remember?)  There was some discussion about selling them, and he made two other designs as well.  Today, I FINALLY got around to creating a Cafe Press shop to do just that.  Shirts.  Cups.  Tote Bags.  Stickers.  Even underpants!!  All three of his designs, plus a special "Positively Phoebe" logo design are available here:

These are the designs:

For the Survivors

For the Supporters

For the Haters

For Whomever
If anyone wants any of these designs available in a different color, I am sure I can sort out making that possible.  I will hopefully keep adding designs to the shop as well...  you know I like making stuff.  And as with everything, the little bit of markup I make on any sales is already set up to be deposited directly into my medical bill and healthy living fund.  

Xxo, Phoebe


ultradawn patrece said…
Hi love, i can't find the place to contribute to your healthy living fund; if you have a sec can you email it to me? as usual love everything you're doing, blog-wise, making-wise, just always thinking- you're very wise.

love you!

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