Italy Photos, Part 11

Are you getting sick of these yet?  Because we're like... maaaaaaybe halfway through them.

Lens flare!

View of... somewhere awesome from the Boboli Gardens.

Couldn't tell if this statue's plants were real, or made of gold.

WHY?  Why do they do this to their trees?!

More tree destruction.  So bizarre.

Really big head - Boboli Gardens.

More good doors!

Even blurry, the hills outside of Florence look lovely!

I miss these shoes.  I killed them in Italy.

This statue's hand, the way he's holding the other one's hand... it reminded me of Ryan.  <3

Pretty lady.

I want to make pretty pebble stars on my yard.

And speaking of pretty...

My first "grope a statue for Lacey" attempt was vetoed by my mother
because the junk was hidden behind that big-ass fish.

Even dirty pigeons in Italy seem prettier.

A more thorough statue-groping for Lacey.

So adorable.  Every facade is just more precious than the last.


Mum said…
I'm not sick of them, and I was THERE! These are some of your best compositions yet, and they've all been good. Keep them coming!
Traci Hill said…
The trees that are so heavily pruned are probably olive trees. What sprouts out are lithe, thin branches filled with olives. Once it's time to harvest, they probably jut chop off those thin branches and feed them through a picking machine that separates the olive from the branch.(Any other way you'd lose a lot of the olives to the ground-picking up one olive at a time would not be very efficient). You arrived after the harvest and pruning- that tree will be full and filled to the brim with olives this fall. You can already see new growth!
dawn said…
Olive trees! Thank you Traci! It is nice to understand the weird-looking pruning. Oh and Phoebe? that view from the Boboli garden, that is my country estate.
phoebe marie said…
NO! It's not just the olive trees! We watched city workers cut all the leafy branches off of three different trees across from the vatican while waiting for our tour. The trees were all different and none were alive trees. The italians just hate branches!
phoebe marie said…
NO! It's not just the olive trees! We watched city workers cut all the leafy branches off of three different trees across from the vatican while waiting for our tour. The trees were all different and none were alive trees. The italians just hate branches!

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