Italy Photos, Part 3

More photos!  (Sorry about the lack yesterday... clearly I was preoccupied!)

More of the awesome sign/sticker/graffiti.  This was my favorite.

Even their street signs are gorgeous.

Another view of the smallest Catholic church in Roma.

This doorway reminded me of my friend, Mallorie, for some reason.

Everything was just so darned CUTE!

Ceiling of... um... some church.  Santa Maria Maggiore, I think?

Same as above... I think...

Back at Trevi Fountain.  Somehow I took this photo without even noticing it was a PEGASUS!

Oh, Fiat.  I love you.

Danger of Death!

I'd look worried, too, if those were MY boobs.  Yeuch!

Ceiling of... oh crap... I have no idea... another church, probably.

The Coliseum!

Rumor had it, the Coliseum was full of cats, but this was the only one we saw.

Impressively enormous!

Underground.  Very mossy.

Awesome brickwork!

She might be the cutest little thing on earth, my mum.

The Roman Forum... is friggin' huge.  

Love these pouf pouf trees. 

Why don't we have these here?!


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