Today was the day we all EXPECTED to get the PET scan results - at my appointment with Dr. Kebria this afternoon.  And even though getting the news surprisingly and excitingly early yesterday was awesome, today's visit was even MORE awesome than we expected.

Sitting in the exam room with Dr. Kebria and Erin, I was just beaming.  I had no idea it could get even BETTER - but it seems like that was all that happened.  It just kept getting better and better and better!!!

First, Dr. K actually said the words "The cancer is gone."  It was the greatest thing my ears have ever heard.  Until he said, shortly thereafter , "She is more than likely cured."  WHAT?!  Somehow that sentence really drove it home!!!  I was just floored.

But that's not all the good news!  (Can you believe it just keeps getting better?)  Those (EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE) PET scans... the ones I thought I'd have to be getting every three, then six, then twelve months? Yeah, NOPE!  I am D-O-N-E with PET scans!   I just have to go back for a check-up and PAP test every three months for the next five years.  That's IT!  Wheeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!  I feel so relieved.  My pocketbook feels so relieved.  Even my stupid insurance company is probably so relieved!

I still feel like I am in shock.  Driving somewhere (I can't even remember where already) today, I realized I had no real idea what day it was or what time it was.  Everything feels like a dream.  I honestly cannot believe it.

So happy.  not just for me, but happy to see Ryan look relaxed, happy, calm, RELIEVED.  Happy to see my mum looking as baffled and smiley as I feel.  Happy happy happy.

Nothing could be better right now.  Absolutely nothing...

Xxo, Phoebe


jim nelson said…
From Day One you said you would be this stupid f***ing cancer, and you did! Your attitude and perseverance throughout is a testimony to the power of prayer and positivity! Thanks for being an inspiration to me and countless others. Now what am I supposed to do with this crazy tattoo? Love you lots....Tat Dad
Mum said…
Nothing could be better ... absolutely nothing! This smile on my face (and seeing the same smile reflected back on yours and Ryan's faces) will last my lifetime, as will the lessons your cancer journey have taught me. Life is precious ... now go out and enjoy it without cancer!! Love, Happy Mum
john speck said…
that brought a tear to my eye.

so happy for you both, your family...

many, many happy days!
GeneKL said…
It is Good Friday, made all the better by your good news.

Now, get out and reclaim your life - enjoying each moment a little more than before.

My unfailing line for the last three years has been, "Its a good day!" And they all are.

Best wishes.


GeneKL said…
P.S. Thanks for the pics, since I'll probably never get there. You have an eye for great shots, contrasts, subject matter, color, shading, and angle. Don't know if you have always had that ability, but you definately do now!

phoebe marie said…
Thanks, everyone!!! <3

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