Silver Linings Everywhere

Oh, the bank thing. The stupid, stupid bank thing.

After filling out the fraud affidavit and ordering a new debit card on Thursday, I awoke Friday morning BEYOND sick.  Decided to do the "right" thing and stay home, rather than risk further exposing my coworkers to whatever crud I've got going on.  But due to my penniless situation, I asked them to at least call me when our paychecks were written (yes, I still have to wait for an actual, physical paycheck - my job is in 1942... no direct deposit here!) so I could get the check deposited in time for it to clear Saturday, when my Verizon bill was due.  They called.  Ryan drove me to pick it up.  I made the deposit.  Worries over, right?  Pffffffffffft.

Wake up this morning and check my online banking to make sure it cleared... Well, it did - but it was seriously depleted by a variety of overdraft fees and whathaveyou from charges I'd made before the charming thieves have stolen everything I had.  I went into major anxiety mode.  My branch didn't open for another hour.  I spent that hour panicking and crying, trying to get it out of my system, and then drove down to the bank.

Can I just say here, that I LOVE my bank?  I have never felt so much like a cared for customer at any establishment (other than maybe the bars I frequent) as I do at Charter One Bank.  Everyone there knows my name.  They say hello even when another teller is helping me.  They are all awesome.  When I first went down to ask about it on Thursday, David helped me.  Friday, Mya was my savior.  Today, it was Megan.

Pretty much as soon as I walked up to the window, I was crying again.  Megan did everything she had authority to do and then told me that a former teller there, Brandie, was now a manager at another branch.  She said she'd call her up for me and see if, as a manager, she could help deal with the stupid fees any sooner.  I sniffled and thanked her.  She ran out from behind the counter to hug me and I was on my way.

Not five minutes later, my phone rings.  Megan.  She said Brandie was taking care of the fees and to go visit her sometime at her new branch.  Well, NOW seemed like a good time.  So off I went to Brooklyn.  Brandie laughed when I came in.  I thanked her and we hugged and then I hung out in her office for a while and caught up.  It was awesome.

I have had bank accounts as long as I can remember.  NEVER have I been hugged by two bank employees in one day.  Never has anyone gone out of their way to help me like this, let alone even get to know my name.  EVERYONE at that branch knows me.

I wonder if it's all just payback for always treating the employees at the places I frequent with pleasantness and respect, for always smiling at everyone I see, no matter how shit of a day I'm having... or if they are this fabulous with everyone.  I don't need to know the answer.  I am just happy that something as simple as doing my banking has been such a pleasant experience.

And come on.  The fact that the fraud department called me within MINUTES of that whole thing happening?  Rad.  So, it sucks that I have to wait another week for a new debit card.  And it sucks that I have to wait another week to get my stolen dollars returned.  But at the end of the day, I got at least this week's pay back.  And I got to reconnect with Brandie.  And I got offers of assistance from a variety of amazing, wonderful, lovely friends.  And I even got some surprise help.  It just goes to show that there is always ALWAYS a silver lining.  Sometimes you have to go through more crap than other times to get to it, but it's always there.

Never forget that.

Xxo, Phoebe


jim nelson said…
Your gratitude is showing big time! Just another lesson learned along the way. Love you...tat dad

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